What a great September it was.  I got to perform at the Seattle Center 50th Birthday Bash and though I must admit my voice wasn’t perfect the people really seemed to appreciate it. In fact the MC told me that I had the biggest crowd of the day on that stage. I know you’re never supposed to apologize during a performance but I knew I would have sung better if it weren’t for this blister on my vocal chords but when the MC said “if you sound that good with a blister on your vocal chords, I’d find a way to keep it” I felt a lot better.

During this month I also finished all the vocals on my Christmas Cd. I do get to listen to them one more time to make sure there isn’t anything I’d like to do over. If there is I’ll do it this week and then it’s on to mixing and mastering.  After that it’s off to disc duplication.  If all goes well it should be done by the end of the month.

Of course my vocals aren’t the only thing on the cd.  We also had some great backup vocalist like Laura West, Anessa Rene, and my daughter Maddie and some great instrumentalist like Geoffrey Castle http://www.geoffreycastle.com/ Brandon Bowman http://bowmanjazz.com/ Sara Reyna http://www.bestillmyharp.com/  and Dan Haeck. You should check out their websites when you get a chance. They’re all doing some cool stuff. And of course the whole thing is being produced by with an H media http://www.withanh.net/ with Erich Benedict playing his same role as producer as well as playing many instruments.  I’m really looking forward to hearing the final version.  I hope you are too.

I must admit I spent so much time on the cd that I forgot I’m also supposed to be an author and motivational speaker. So while Erich is finishing up the CD and I finally get a chance to let my vocal chords heal I’m going to get back to writing my book Get Back Up.