This is the third article in a series of articles I am writing about how I deal with this challenge.
When I learned I had prostate cancer I was told I had to make a choice about how I wanted to treat it. The urologist told me I had three options: One was active surveillance, two was radiation, and the third was surgery. Of the three I liked that active surveillance option the best. What that entailed was repeating a blood test in six months to see if my PSA had changed. If it remained the same we would retest in another six months. If it increased we would do another biopsy to see if the cancer had gotten worse. I told the doctor I liked that one best but she burst that bubble quickly by saying that because she felt a tumor in the prostate she believed that the cancer was already too advanced to wait for a more aggressive treatment. This left me with only two choices; radiation or surgery. To help me make the decision my urologist got me an appointment with a radiation oncologist and another appointment with a surgeon.